Contact details

Synthesis Medical Limited on LinkedIn

Paul has devoted the last decade to
developing policy, guidelines and systematic
approaches to hip fracture care and prevention
throughout the world.

Paul spent the previous 15 years working
in the pharmaceutical industry, initially as a basic
researcher in neuroscience, and subsequently in
commercial and service development roles.


Synthesis Medical

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The information presented on this website describes Paul Mitchell’s portfolio of work in chronic disease management, including osteoporosis and fragility fracture care. Paul Mitchell is Managing Director of Synthesis Medical NZ Limited. Synthesis Medical NZ Limited provides consultancy services to health policymakers, healthcare professionals, patient organisations and private sector companies throughout the world.

The information presented on this website is not intended to inform members of the public on matters relating to chronic disease management in general, including osteoporosis and fragility fracture care.

Members of the public who are concerned about chronic disease management in general, including osteoporosis and fragility fracture care, should consult their normal qualified physician or healthcare provider.




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